Free Criminal Defense Case Evaluation

    Atlanta Sex Crime Lawyer Defines the Crime

    Atlanta law comes down hard on sex crime offenders in the state. The decision to expose any part of your body which would not normally call for exposure in a public arena is considered to be immoral, inappropriate, and criminal in nature. A person’s buttocks or their genital areas are generally considered to be parts of the body which do not need to be exposed in public, and therefore, should not be. A female’s nipples may also fall under the category of indecent exposure when they are displayed in public view. Generally, indecent exposure charges can result from any form of public nudity; no sexual act needs to be performed in order to make it a criminal offense. When it comes to criminal charges of a sexual nature, there is very little that falls within the realm of safety. Therefore, it is up to the skillful tactics of an Atlanta criminal lawyer to provide you with defense against any type of sex offense that you might be facing.

    As with any other sex crime charge, a conviction could mean prison time, hefty fines, and even life on probation. In addition, the charged individual will be required to register as a sex offender – and this is a label that could follow you for the rest of your life. These are serious penalties that will no doubt drastically affect the way in which you were used to living prior to your conviction. Not only will your freedoms, rights, and pocketbook suffer from a formal conviction, your social standing could also be adversely affected. However, the legal consequences of a guilty sentencing do not have to be a given after an arrest or accusation has been made. With the help of an attorney, your chances of a brighter future stand to greatly increase. This is because a criminal defense professional can help ensure that your rights are aggressively defended throughout the legal proceedings, whether or not you appear in court. The time surrounding an arrest, accusation, and potential conviction is beyond serious; you need an attorney whose skillset and legal expertise can match the seriousness of the situation.

    Why hire a criminal defense attorney?

    The development of mankind has led to societal norms that are expected to be followed just as strictly as are the laws that govern us. In fact, in some cases these two have become enmeshed and there is little – if any – difference between socially accepted norms and the actual law. This is the case when it comes to sex crime offenses. Generally, the harsh legal penalties of a prostitution or indecent exposure conviction are no less harsh than the societal whiplash that convicted individuals will undoubtedly experience from their peers. This is not helped by the fact that national registration as a sex offender is a mandatory part of a person’s sex crime sentencing, and this is a penalty that is life-long in nature.

    Your chances of protecting yourself against the legal, financial, and social consequences that go along with a formal conviction greatly increase when you choose to work with an attorney regarding the allegations that have been made against you. At The Law Office of Judy Kim, P.C., your rights will be vehemently defended both in and out of the court room. Your case will be presented in a manner more conducive to favorable results on your behalf, and every attempt will be made to rectify the sticky situation in which you have found yourself. The sooner you align yourself with a legal professional that can help represent your case, the better your chances of a successful case outcome will be. No one understands this better than Atlanta criminal attorney Judy Kim, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to see to it that you have the best chance possible of a life free from conviction.